A Warm Welcome

Dear friend, Welcome to my own little spot on the web. A place for you to read up on tips on what to wear, what to serve and how to get your man in the right mood. Expect monthly updates on tips, personal favorites en foolishness.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Glorious news!

I just recieved an email with the question if I'm interested in writing a blog for the Alert part on the VolksWagen SpringSessions festival website. Of course I am! I do hope you're all as delighted as I am. More from Lucy can't be bad, right? ;) No but seriously, let's spread some good stuff around.

Some more good news. Louvains local television network ROB is going to do a report on our band The Mighty Quiffs. So if you live in the area, be sure to watch! I don't' know when it'll be broadcasted yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I do. The report will feature a few songs and an interview (in Dutch).

And now I need my beauty sleep. A long day of paperwork coming up tomorrow. We're getting into some wonderful stuff, though. More about that real soon. (It has something to do with starting up my own business...)

In the mean time, take a look at this Grrrll. She proves that you don't always have to go on a plane to find something new and refreshing. Exotic even? Enjoy!

Love and Kisses,

Your miss Lucy


Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,

congrats on the festival! it's good to see that good roots music has its place finally in this kind of "big" event! Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...


Amazing stuff... starting up your own business... Lot of things happening over there!

By the way, beautiful picture, romance is in the air :-)