I was listening to an old Django record today. Boy does he make you want to go out on a pick nick and dance all night around a bonfire! Unfortunately it’s been raining all day long, so I resigned to tidying-up instead. And oh what joy the Dutch masters of commerce can bring. (Zoom in on the jar!)
And then I also found THIS in a very old issue of Libelle magazine …
It has the same slogan as the 'Soleil' soap : 'Lave Tout, Tout Seul' CRAZY!
Luckily there’s more to my life than cleaning. I went to a party a few weeks ago and I finally got to wear my pink dress again! Because of its age its falling apart, so I’m having it copied. But, there’s always room for more dresses, so if I could I would go down to Antwerp this weekend. Radio Modern is presenting a crazy fashion bash on Sunday. Don’t miss out! Some really great designers, including my girlfriend Laura, are presenting their designs. No excuses for under dressing anymore!
Hope to see you all real soon.
Miss Lucy xx